Sixth Media currently only creates and manages ad campaigns for the most popular social network in the world, facebook. While we plan to expand our social media advertising services in the future, for now we’re focused on creating the best facebook advertising for our clients.
Social Media Advertising
What is Social Media Advertising?
If you’ve ever had a video on facebook that you are watching interrupted by a short ad about a company’s service or seen a suggested post about a product appear in your Instagram feed then you’ve witnessed social media advertising at work. Social media advertising allows a business or organization to advertise their products and services on social media platforms in exchange for a fee to the social media platform.
There are a number of social media platforms that support advertising. Here are just a few of the most popular:

How Does Social Media Advertising Work?
To start, you’ll need to create an ad. This can be an entertaining video or eye catching image. You’ll then want to select who you want to target with each ad. You can choose which individuals you want to target based on their location, age, language, interests, device, etc. Once you’ve decided who you want to target you’ll set a budget for how much you want to spend on ads everyday and how much you’re willing to spend total during the running of the ad campaign.
Once an ad campaign is launched, having someone monitor the campaign is important. From the data the social media platform collects while the campaign is running, you can see who clicked on your ad and if that interaction led to a conversion. Once a week or two of data has been gathered, targeting can be refined even further so that less of your budget is spent on individuals that aren’t converting. This way you can get the most bang for your buck.
What Social Media Advertising Can Sixth Media Run for Me?

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